ПВХ пленки прозрачные для завес "Expafol" Испания

Transparent PVC films for curtains “Expafol” Spain

The online store of PVC films, awning accessories and equipment offers you flexible PVC films for curtains of the Spanish company “Expafol”. The films are most widely used for the manufacture of PVC curtains. The use of such curtains is the most economical and effective way to maintain temperature. It allows even in the conditions of intensive operation to minimize losses in the temperature inside the refrigerator or the room. The use of silicone curtains helps reduce the cost of heat loss by up to 70%

PictureThickness, mm Width, cm.Winding roll, mp,Note
ПВХ пленки прозрачные для завес2.0030137frost-resistant (-40 + 34 ° С); standard transparency
ПВХ пленки прозрачные для завес3.0020137High transparency
ПВХ пленки прозрачные для завес2.0020137High transparency
Weight(gram per square meter)U film thickness of 2.00mm-2400 g/sq.m., film thickness of 3.00mm -3600 g/sq.m. g/sq.m.
Roll widthFilm thickness 2.00mm -30cm; film thickness 3.00mm-20cm
Status100% PVC
Thickness2000 micron (2.00 mm); 3000 micron (3.00 mm)
Share weight1.22
Tension strengthlongitudinal =406(2mm) =597(3mm) transverse =393(2mm) =546(3mm)
Relative elongation at breaklongitudinal =411 (2mm) =346(3mm) transverse =415 (2mm) =358(3mm)
UV resistanceBlue Scale =5 min
Lengthwise compressionlongitudinal = -1.2 % transverse = +0.1 % % (60°С)
Temperature frames-20; +60 °C